2021 Christmas tree theme

Cover Look
Stay-at-home champions, Anna, Bradley, William & Shallan wear Louis Vuitton everything.

In these unprecedented times, here is our unprecedented Christmas card edition of Vogue. 

is 5 years old and started Kindergarten this year! He gets to go in person for 2 hours a day, and then do the last hour from home. He loves it and is making some great friends. He has been unaffected by Covid restrictions, has no problems wearing a mask, and the only thing he’d change is that he’d love a few more playdates. William has been studying lot’s about dinosaurs and bugs. He wants to be a ninja, an entomologist, a paleontologist, and a firefighter when he grows up. His favorite color is green. His favorite movie is Indiana Jones. His favorite thing he has done this year is start Kindergarten. His favorite 2020 activity is to write and draw books, and is currently creating a picture book.

is 3 years old now. She likes unicorns, ballerinas, and Frozen the movie. Shallan is our singer, and wakes William up by singing to him most mornings, and she makes up songs when she is really sad or happy. She started preschool this year, and is a huge fan of it. She wants to be a Disney princess when she grows up. Her favorite color is pink. Her favorite thing to do is copy her brother. She enjoys drawing, making huge messes, and playing non-stop. Her favorite 2020 activity has been the almost daily crafts. Her favorite tv show is The Mandalorian. 

is working in tech, at Lendio. We are so grateful he got the job shortly before Covid hit. He works with some great people, and we have loved having him working from home so we can see him more! It’s so fun to eat lunch together, take a coffee break, etc. Bradley grew a most excellent beard this year which he recently cut off. Bradley wants to be equanimous when he grows up. His favorite color is Zima blue. His favorite 2020 activity is incorporating the Swedish tradition of Fika into our everyday life. Fika is a time to slow down, socialize, drink coffee, and eat pastries. The kids drink tea and join the Fika daily.

is currently finishing up her UX design portfolio. She spent the year teaching herself UX, web design, and front end development. She has wanted to move over to the tech industry for over a year, after realizing she spent most of her time daydreaming about making all the furniture and interior design websites more user friendly, and beautiful. She enjoys crafting in her spare time and has done far too many this year because of quarantines. She had a successful minor surgery and made progress with some health stuff, and has been so grateful for all the help from her parents and friends during recovery. She wants to be a UX designer with an actual full time job when she grows up. Her favorite color is pink. Her favorite 2020 activity is baking sourdough. 

has been a rough year for just about everyone, but we hope this brings you a little smile. We love you, we care about you. We are always wishing you the best. Please reach out if you need some human interaction, we are just a zoom call away. Here’s to finding joy and hoping for a brighter 2021!

2018 Where's Waldo Theme

Can you find us in the Where's Waldo page? Clearly my photoshop skills are amazing. I know, everyone is impressed.

This is our first card with Shallan! When she was a newborn I was way too sleep deprived to make a card. While by this point I was only marginally sleep deprived and was able to put most of it together on my train rides to school.

2016 Diglett in a box

We were very inspired by SNL's Dick in a box sketch, along with pokemon. I was dressed as a pokeball, William is of course our Pikachu, with Bradley gifting me with Diglett in a box. J-T has got nothing on Bradley. Should I be embarrassed that I find this to be one of the funniest SNL skits of all time?

(Dear William, when you see this in the future and it's not completely over your head anymore, sorry for roping you into our terrible puns kid!)

2015 Glamour Shot

Baby William with a mullet. Need I say more?

Fun fact, I turned that jacket I'm wearing into the top of a super gorgeous dress which is the one I am wearing in our Vogue card!

2014 Trailer Park Chic

Please enjoy my 9 month pregnant belly, the pet lizard, and the fact that Bradley has a mustache! Clearly this is before the pregnant Beyonce shoot or I would have gone an entirely different way, but I love this so much!

This wasn't actually our first themed Christmas card, but alas I cannot find the denim blues themed Christmas card. If I manage to find it somewhere in our archived photos I will be sure to share!